Herd Companion
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What is Herd Companion?
Herd Companion is NMR’s free online information management portal for access to your milk recording, bulk tank milk quality and disease test results. It has been delivering key cow and herd information to farmers, vets, consultants and advisors for over 10 years.
What Are The Benefits?
- Access via your own secure user name and password on your PC or tablet.
- Milk recording information is shown in interactive, flexible and exportable iReports.
- Logical and straightforward navigation.
- Real-time data entry for updated action lists helps improve insights into your cows and herd, contributing to faster and improved decision-making.
- Genomic and genetic £PTA and £PLI reports allow you to allocate animals to different groups for breeding planning.
- NML bulk tank results reported and collated through Milk Quality Monitor.
- Disease reporting of cows for Johne’s, BVD, Leptospirosis, IBR and Neospora.
- Bulk tank disease reporting for BVD, Leptospirosis, IBR, Neospora and Liver Fluke.
What Are The Key Features Of Herd Companion?
- Real-time data entry and links with UNIFORM and InterHerd+.
- New landing page dashboard for a quick overview of the herd.
- Farm advisors can also view fertility, health, milk quality and disease information.
- Farm assurance reporting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the landing page has a graph showing your latest bulk milk results. Click there to view historic results for bactoscan, bulk cells and more.
Latest recording under the iReports banner will have a snapshot of your recording day and a Somatic Cell Count report for interactive, sorting and filtering.
Yes, go to the settings button (top right), then My Organisation and click on Third Parties. Search for your advisor here and add them. That will permit them to view your data, but you can select certain elements.
Yes, log in as usual on your phone to access Herd Companion 24 hours a day at www.herdcompanion.co.uk