Six finalist line up for 100th year of gold cup title

Sponsors of the Gold Cup, RABDF and NMR, have announced the six finalists for the 2020 award, which will mark the 100th year of the dairy industry’s most prestigious award.
This year attracted a record-breaking number of entries, boosted by the new entry route where producers can be nominated by their discussion or grazing group, or through a designated nominating company where a set of benchmarks should be achieved. Herds can otherwise enter following notification of their qualification from their milk recording organisation.
The six 2020 Gold Cup finalists are:
- John & Rachel Downing, The Downing Partnership, Edenbridge, Kent.
- Jonathan Gibbins, Clyst Hydon, Cullompton, Devon.
- Mark Hoskins, Hoskins & Vickery, Hindon, Salisbury, Wiltshire.
- Joe Ives, W&P Ives, Herriard, Basingstoke, Hampshire.
- Mike Sainsbury, RP Sainsbury & Sons, Badminton, Gloucestershire.
- John Torrance, R Torrance & Son, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex.
The Gold Cup, which was first launched in 1920, recognises dairy business efficiency and acknowledges excellence in the dairy industry. Herds entering the Gold Cup 2020 have met specific benchmarks or the following criteria:
- More than 100 cows/heifers with qualifying lactations in the milking herd
- Annual somatic cell count average of 200,000 cells/ml or less, or 250,000 cells/ml for organic herds
- Minimum £PLI value specific to the breed, or minimum £SCI or £ACI value
The 2020 Gold Cup judges – Peter Alvis, Somerset-based dairy producer and RABDF chairman; Trevor Lloyd, Anglesey-based producer and NMR chairman; and Philip Metcalfe, North Yorkshire based producer and 2018 Gold Cup winner – will complete the final stage of judging in early 2021.
The winner of the 100th anniversary (and 2020) RABDF NMR Gold Cup will be announced, along with the winners of the Chris May award, the NMR Silver Salver, The Lilyhill Cup and the Chairman’s Cup, as part of Dairy-Tech Online in February 2021.