Milk Quality Monitor
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What is Milk Quality Monitor?
Milk Quality Monitor includes the range of tests which can be carried out on spare bulk milk samples that include: Bactoscan, SCC, Butterfat, Protein and Urea.
Most samples are collected via our own transport network and delivered to one of our two labs to be tested with results reported all within 24 hours of sample receipt.
The traceability and assurance of the dairy supply chain are paramount to producing a top-quality product for human consumption.
What Are The Benefits?
- Received regular payment test from your milk purchaser.
- Ability to test the additional samples we have stored in our fridges to get more regular results.
- Keep a closer eye on milk quality by spotting any rises in SCC or Bactoscan sooner so you can act quickly to prevent any penalties.
- Monitor if butterfat or protein percentage falls, then there could be nutritional issues in the herd to address.
How Does It Work?
Tanker drivers collect a milk sample at every collection, which is then picked up from their depot by one of our drivers to be delivered to one of our labs.
The sample may or may not be tested for payment purposes depending on the schedule set out for each milk purchaser.
All samples are stored in our fridge for 5 days after collection before being thrown away on the 6th day.
How To Order
If you would like to order Milk Quality Monitor, then please contact us via phone, email, or the Contact Us form below. Your milk purchaser will also be able to help.
Pricing is determined on a sliding scale depending on the volume or period of testing required. Payment can be taken via Direct Debit, NMR account (for milk recording customers) or by card over the phone.
Bulk milk results can be viewed via Herd Companion and will be reported in the same way as your usual payment results.
Antibiotic testing is not carried out as standard on additional testing requests.