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What is Neospora?
Neospora caninum is a parasite that causes Neosporosis. It is known to cause abortion in cattle. Transmission is possible from cattle ingesting or touching dog or fox faeces with their nose, but the most important route of transmission is vertically from dam to calf during pregnancy.
Clinical Signs:
- Abortion, between 3 and 9 months of pregnancy.
- Stillborn or premature calves.
- It is not associated with poor health in the dam.
- Young beef animals may have a slower growth rate.
- Repeat abortions are possible in the same cow in subsequent pregnancies.
Prevention & Management:
- Isolating aborting dams.
- Safely disposing of aborted foetuses.
- Disposal of contaminated bedding.
- Identifying and culling infected animals.
- Limit exposure to faeces from dogs/foxes.
- There is no treatment or vaccine.
What Testing Options Are Available For Neospora?
We can offer Neospora testing on blood and milk (both individual cow and bulk)
The highest level of antibody production occurs during the late stages of pregnancy. Therefore, the ideal time to test for Neospora is just before drying off.
As a result, the sensitivity of bulk milk Neospora tests in year-round calving herds can be low as not all infected animals will be producing antibodies at the time of sampling.
For the most accurate information on Neospora in your herd, it is advised to test individual cows in late pregnancy. Always consult your vet to obtain the best advice for your herd.
For more information on Neospora testing please contact us.