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What is Fusion?
Fusion provides an end-to-end milk statement generation solution that is fully configurable to client requirements.
A Bespoke service based on the matching of collection data and payment samples:
- Auto matching of collection volumes to test results
- Auto generation of milk statements in accordance with Milk Processors contract terms
- A Farmer Web Portal for use by Producers
- Assessment of test results
- Legislative administration
What are the benefits?
- Save time and money by completing the process from start to finish all under one roof.
- A totally bespoke service we are always striving to improve and develop on.
- Matching of live data in real time.
- Live access to a Farmer Web Portal enabling producers to add forecast volumes, access statements and view their results.
- Automated statement generation in PDF format that can be printed, emailed or posted to the Farmer Web Portal.
How Does It Work?
We take your daily samples received and scanned into the system at either of our Laboratories and match this to the collection data when the sample is taken on farm. NMR Matching Interface is used to manually match collection data, to prevent error where the automatic system cannot match as usual, for example day label issue.
If you are interested in the Fusion System please get in touch on 01902 749 920 or email milk@nmrp.com to discuss your requirements.